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Microscopy and Microsection AnalysisEquipment list

We test comprehensively and reliably. With our wide range of equipment, we guarantee results.

Equipment list microscopy and microsection analysis for download 



Technical data
  • Magnification up to 63x
  • Contrast technique: Lambda filter
Areas of application
  • Documentation of optical coatings
Stereo microscope


Technical data
  • Magnification up to 115x
Areas of application
  • Microsection analysis
  • Solder joint analysis
Inverted light microscope


Technical data
  • Magnification up to 1000x
  • Contrast technique: reflected light bright-field
  • Dark field
  • Polarization contrast
  • Differential interference contrast (DIC)
Areas of application
  • Microsection analysis
Digital microscope


Technical data
  • Magnification up to 400x
  • Creation of 3D images
Areas of application
  • 3D images of surface structures
Optical microscope


Technical data
  • Magnification up to 1000x
  • Contrast technique: polarization contrast
Areas of application
  • Microsection analysis
REM with EDX


Technical data
  • Magnification: 30 – 100,000x
  • Element determination, from boron to bismuth
  • SE and BSE analysis methods
Areas of application
  • Surface images with high magnification
  • Surface structure and elemental distribution
  • Element analysis